Fee Information
There are a handful of additional fees that may or may not be applicable to a student's situation. Explore this page for more information on fees.
Online Fees
UWRF applies a per credit online fee for undergraduate courses designated as online. The fee is in addition to tuition and other fees. Online courses do not require any physical meetings on campus. The revenue generated by the online fee funds the delivery of online courses and support services. Examples of services funded by the online fee include:
- Academic support service and test proctoring services.
- Development and production of online courses.
- Technology support services.
All undergraduate online courses have an online fee of $50 per credit for the first three credits, except for courses in the School of Business and Economics (SBE). SBE undergraduate online courses have an online fee of $70 per credit for the first six credits.
Courses included in SBE offerings are:
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Business Law (BLAW)
- School of Business and Economics (SBE)
- Economics (ECON)
- Finance (FINC)
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Management (MNGT)
- Military Science (MSL)
Special Course Fees
Some courses may have additional fees assigned to that specific class. Check the class notes prior to registering to determine if the courses you are taking have a special course fee. This will help you have a better idea of what your tuition will be for the semester.
Records and Grad Fee
The Records and Grad Fee is assessed at the completion of 90 credits for undergraduate bachelor degree seeking students, 45 credits for associate degree seeking students and 15 credits for graduate degree seeking students. This fee supports the degree audit software and course scheduling tool, diploma, diploma mailing, diploma cover, honors cords and costs associated with the commencement ceremonies. The Records and Grad Fee is a non-refundable fee.
Student Billing
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.