The Academic Forgiveness Policy (UWRF Faculty Senate 9.13.1) allows students who experienced prior academic difficulty at UWRF to have one opportunity to have all previous UWRF grades excluded from the cumulative grade point average (GPA). The Academic Forgiveness Policy provides the opportunity for the calculation of a new grade point average for all subsequent coursework for students being readmitted to UWRF.
9.13.2 Restrictions and Explanations
- Students must not have been enrolled in any institution of higher learning for at least five continuous years prior to readmission to UWRF except for completion of courses that were a precondition for admission/readmission.
- Students can apply for Academic Forgiveness at the time of reentry (Admissions- 103 David Rodli Hall).
- To be eligible for Academic Forgiveness, a student must have a cumulative GPA of less than 2.5 at UWRF at the time of readmission.
- The request for forgiveness must be approved by the Academic Department Chair and Dean of the College in which the student is applying.
- If forgiveness is granted, all UWRF courses taken five or more years prior to readmission (and the grades received) will continue to appear on the student's record, but the student's cumulative GPA will be based solely on credits earned after readmission to UWRF.
- If forgiveness is granted, all credit hours with a grade of "D" or better earned five or more years before readmission may be used to satisfy degree requirements even though they are not included in the student's cumulative GPA.
- If forgiveness is granted, grades in courses for the major will still count towards the major GPA.
- Forgiveness of grades earned five or more years before admission/readmission may be granted only once.
- All other UWRF policies remain in effect and are not changed by the granting of Academic Forgiveness.
- This policy applies to only undergraduate students seeking their first bachelor's degree.
- This policy is effective starting fall semester, 2016-17.
- Applicants who intend to use or apply for financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office to identify how Academic Forgiveness may affect financial aid eligibility.
Good Academic Standing
Undergraduate students are in good academic standing if they maintain a cumulative resident grade point average of 2.000 or greater.
Undergraduate Academic Probation
Academic probation indicates a level of student academic performance that is below what is required for successful progress towards the completion of a student's degree program. It is an advisory warning that a student should take action to raise his/her level of achievement to an acceptable level of performance.
Undergraduate students will be placed on academic probation if:
- They have earned a cumulative grade point average less than 2.000 at UWRF.
- They have earned a fall or spring semester GPA of less than 1.667.
- They are readmitted after having left UWRF while they were on probation or suspended for academic reasons.
Undergraduate Academic Suspension
A suspension action is taken when a student's academic performance indicates a need for a student to interrupt his/her enrollment status and reassess his/her goals, plans and ability to be academically successful. Once placed on academic suspension a student is not allowed to enroll in courses at UWRF during either fall or spring semester until he/she is readmitted to the university
Undergraduate students will be suspended if any of the following items apply:
- Their semester and cumulative grade point average is less than 2.000 at the end of two successive semesters for the individual at UWRF (i.e: fall to spring or spring to fall).
- They have earned a fall or spring semester GPA of less than 1.000.
Undergraduate students do not need to be on probation for this suspension regulation to take effect.
Graduate students are in good academic standing if they maintain a cumulative resident grade point average of 3.00 or greater overall.
Graduate Academic Probation
Graduate students will be placed on probation:
- If they earned a cumulative grade point average less than 3.00 at UWRF.
Graduate Academic Suspension
Graduate students will be suspended if any of the following items apply:
- They earn less than a cumulative 2.00 average at any time
- If they are on probation and
- They earn less than a 3.00 in the next enrollment period and are full time students
- They earn less than a 3.00 in the next 12 attempted credits and are part-time students
Readmission After Suspension
An undergraduate student who has been suspended may apply for readmission to the university through the Admissions Office. The Dean of the college to which an undergraduate student seeks readmission will review the student's application for readmission and make the decision on whether readmission will be granted. Depending on the circumstances, it is the Dean's prerogative to readmit the student or not and determine the length and criteria of the suspension.
A graduate student who has been suspended may apply for readmission to the university through the Admissions Office. The director of the graduate program will review the application for readmission and make a recommendation to the Director of Graduate Studies regarding whether readmission will be granted. Depending on the circumstances, it is the Director of Graduate Studies prerogative to readmit the student or not and determine the length of the suspension.
Revision to the requirements for the Suspension and Probation policies passed by Faculty Senate, April 2011 (Motion 2010-2011/45)
The most acceptable proof of academic preparedness for readmission will be fulfilled when a student completes no fewer than nine semester credits with a 2.500 grade point average (GPA). The courses must fulfill general education, directed elective and/or major/minor requirements. Students may use the UWRF Summer/J-Term session immediately prior to reinstatement to take these courses. If these courses are taken elsewhere, students should understand that though the transfer credits usually apply toward graduation, the grades for these courses will not be calculated into their UWRF cumulative GPA. Courses cannot be retaken at another institution to raise your UWRF grade point average. (Undergraduate Catalog)
Commencement ceremonies are held at the completion of fall and spring semesters. Information regarding graduation and applications are available from the Registrar's Office. Graduating seniors and graduate students have the option to participate in commencement the term that they are completing all degree requirements. Students who are completing their final requirements during Summer Session have the option of participating in the previous spring commencement or the following fall commencement ceremony. Although Summer Session graduates may select to participate in an earlier commencement ceremony, the degree and diploma will be awarded only after all degree requirements have been fulfilled.
Fall or spring graduates who wish to participate in an early commencement ceremony must make an application for graduation and write a letter of appeal to the registrar. Students who complete their requirement during J-Term have the option to participate in commencement in either the preceding fall semester or the subsequent spring semester. Students who are requesting to participate in an early commencement must follow the published commencement participation deadline date for the term they are appealing. Appeals to participate in an early commencement will be approved only if all of the following conditions have been met:
- There is an extenuating circumstance.
- The student has nine or fewer credits to complete the degree or has only student teaching or an internship to complete degree requirements in the following semester.
The registrar will review the appeal and approve or deny the request based on the above criteria and written notification will be sent to the student.
Although students may be allowed to participate in an early commencement ceremony, the degree and diploma will be awarded only after all degree requirements have been fulfilled.
Requirements for the Commencement Participation Policy were passed by Faculty Senate in April 2002. (Motion 2001-012/17)
Graduate students must be registered for at least one credit during the term they when they participate in commencement, with the exception of the following:
- Graduate students who are enrolled during the summer and complete their requirements then may particpate in either the preceding spring or the subsequent fall commencement.
The class rosters with final grades recorded on them are due in the Registrar's Office on or before the fifth business day following the last scheduled class for that course. The instructor is responsible for checking the accuracy of the information on each grade.
(Faculty Senate Policy, Revised April 4, 2012)
Grading System
Student achievement at UWRF is evaluated in letter symbols, each of which carries a value in honor points per credit hour.
- A = Excellent (4 honor points per credit hour)
- A- = Excellent (3.667 honor points per credit hour)
- B+ = Good (3.333 honor points per credit hour)
- B = Good (3 honor points per credit hour)
- B- = Good (2.667 honor points per credit hour )
- C+ = Average (2.333 honor points per credit hour)
- C = Average (2 honor points per credit hour)
- C- = Average (1.667 honor points per credit hour)*
- D+ = Below Average (1.333 honor points per credit hour)*
- D = Below Average (1 honor points per credit hour)*
- F = Failure (0 honor points per credit hour)
- I = Incomplete (Not Computed in GPA-will need a final letter grade)
- S = Satisfactory (Not Computed in GPA)
- U = Unsatisfactory (Computed in GPA as a failing grade)
- W = Signifies a Late Drop (Not computed in GPA)
- SP = Satisfactory Progress (Not Computed in GPA-will need a final letter grade)
- IP = In-Progress (Not counted as credits attempted-will need a final letter grade)
- XF = Failure due to non attendance - (Computed in GPA as a failing grade)
- NR = Not Reported (Not counted as credits attempted-will need a final letter grade) (Faculty Senate Motion approved 2007)
*Grades of C-, D+, and D are not used for Graduate level coursework.
Grades of "U" or "S" are earned when a course is taken Pass/Fail.
Incomplete and Satisfactory Progress
- Incomplete: A grade of incomplete (I) may be given for a verifiable, non-academic reason at the instructor's discretion upon student request. If the student does not complete the coursework and a A-F grade is not given within two semesters (excluding J-term and summer terms) the course grade becomes an F. See Instructor Preference paragraph ( below for exceptions to this rule. When a student completes the work, the incomplete (I) grade is replaced with the new grade (A-F). The notation for I and SP is taken off of the student's records when the course work is completed. The student is responsible for being aware of the financial aid implications of his or her grades.
- Satisfactory Progress: A grade of satisfactory progress (SP) may be given by the instructor when the work of the course extends logically or for pedagogical reasons beyond the end of the term. The instructor will give the SP after assessing that the work to date demonstrates progress. If the work is not completed at the conclusion of two semesters (excluding J-term and summer terms) and the instructor does not submit a grade, the course grade becomes an F. The student is responsible for being aware of the financial aid implications of his or her grades.
- Graduation: The student must resolve all outstanding I and SP grades before the diploma is granted.
- Instructor Preference: The Registrar's Office will notify instructors of all I and SP grades outstanding in the 12th week of the semester, indicating which instances will become F at the conclusion of the semester. The instructor may return by the grade deadline the list indicating students for whom he or she is extending the I or SP grades for one more semester, and after that time the I or SP becomes an F. [FS 06/07-66]
- Not Reported: In cases where grades are not received through SIS or other agreed-upon means by the announced deadline, all students in the course will receive a grade of NR (not reported). The department/program chair will be notified and will contact the instructor immediately to ascertain the problem. The grades should be submitted by the instructor as soon as possible. The NR will be expunged from the students' records, not appearing on either the Degree Audit Report (DAR) or the transcript once removed by the instructor. [FS 06/07-117]
Grade Change - Faculty Only
To change a grade, simply complete the Grade Change Form. Once the Registrar's Office has received the approved form it will be processed that same day. All grade changes need to be approved by the Dean of the College in which the course is offered.
Grade Point Average
The cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits attempted. In the case of repeated courses the record of both the original and repeated course will be retained on the student's transcript, but for purposes of determining the student's GPA, only credits and grade points earned in the last retake of the course will be used.
Credits and grades transferred from other accredited institutions are not used in the computation of the UW-RF grade point average.
To remain in "good standing" the student's cumulative GPA must be 2.0 or above.
Partial tuition refunds may be granted through the medical withdrawal process. Tuition appeals related to medical or emergency withdrawal require documentation.
1. The student must withdraw from the university using the online withdrawal form. Check “Medical” as reason for withdrawal.
2. The Dean of Students will contact students who withdraw for medical reasons. Further documentation will be requested at that time.
3. The Dean of Students Office will determine if the withdrawal can be supported for a tuition appeal.
4. If the withdrawal is supported, the Medical Emergency Appeals Committee will use the student's last day of attendance to determine the refund percentage for tuition and fees.
Please contact the Dean of Students Office at deanofstudents@uwrf.edu or 715-425-0720 with questions regarding the medical emergency withdrawal process.
A student whose name has changed since last attending UW-River Falls will have his/her academic transcript issued with the name as it currently appears on the official record.
If your name has changed and you would like your official UW-River Falls academic record (and transcript) to reflect the change, you must provide the following information along with your request for the official transcript:
- A written, signed and dated statement that requests the name change and cites both the old and new names;
- Legible copies of the following two forms of identification that designate the new name to which you would like your record changed:
- photo identification (acceptable forms include a driver's license, state issued ID card, school ID card with photograph, alien registration card with photograph, or military ID card);
AND - court ordered / legal document (acceptable forms include a marriage license, social security card, birth certificate, legal passport, certification of U.S. citizenship, employment authorization documents, or Native American tribal document).
As necessary, you may be asked to provide additional documentation to support your request for a name change.
Students who have a bachelor's degree but wish to pursue their education further may elect to seek a second degree.
For UW-River Falls graduates, the second degree must be different from the first degree; a student with a B.S. degree would be allowed to work towards a B.A. degree but not a second B.S. degree. Appeals of the second B.S. degree may be submitted in writing to the Dean of the college offering the second degree.
Individual students may obtain a second degree for which they are eligible by completing the following:
- Meeting all specific requirements for the second degree.
- A UWRF graduate must complete an additional 30 resident semester credits beyond the issuance of the first degree.
- Graduate of another university must successfully complete a minimum of 30 resident semester credits; meet all General Education, professional and major/minor requirements for the second degree. At least six credits of these credits must be in the major area and at least three credits must be in the minor area; additional major or minor credits may be required by individual departments.
- The final fifteen credits for the degree must be earned at UWRF unless an exception is granted by the College Dean.
Students that find it necessary to drop ALL courses for a given term and leave the university must withdraw. Students should see their academic adviser prior to initiating the withdrawal process. Failing grades will be issued to students that fail to follow the proper withdrawal procedure.
If the term has NOT started: Log in to eSIS and drop each course individually. Please contact the Student Billing Office at 715-425-3145 with questions regarding a refund. Please contact the Department of Residence Life if you have a Residence Hall Contract for the next term at reslife@uwrf.edu.
If the term HAS begun: Complete the online withdrawal form. You are responsible for all financial obligations to the university. You cannot obtain a transcript or re-enter the university until all financial obligations are cleared. Please contact the Department of Residence Life if you are currently living on campus at reslife@uwf.edu.
Medical Emergency Withdrawal: If you need to withdraw from the university for medical reasons follow this link for additional information.
Military Withdrawal: If you need to withdraw from the University due to a deployment, visit the Veterans Services webpage for additional information regarding your withdrawal.
Contact: Office of Admissions
- Phone: 715-425-3500
- Email: admissions@uwrf.edu
The following offices on campus will be notified of your withdrawal.
- Financial Aid: (715) 425-3141
- Residence Life: (715) 425-4555 (B3 East Hathorn Hall)
- Textbook Services: (715) 425-3106 (33 Hagestad Hall)
- Tuition and Fees: Students who withdraw before the end of the fourth week of the semester may have a portion of their tuition and fees refunded. Contact the Student Billing Office for specific information, (715) 425-3145
- Dining Services: (715) 425-4403 (170 University Center)
To change your major, meet with the department chairperson of the new major. If you are not changing your major, but do want to change or declare a minor, visit the Registrar's Office (105 North Hall). To change your adviser, meet with the department chairperson of your major. If you feel that there is an error in your major, minor or catalog year, stop by the Registrar's Office.
Coding the Program Major, Minor and/or Adviser Change Notice
- Catalog Years
- Undergraduate Major Codes (Active List)
- Undergraduate Major Codes (Inactive List)
- Undergraduate Minor Codes (Active List)
- Undergraduate Minor Codes (Inactive List)
- Plan Extensions (undergraduate degree codes)
- Pre-professional Undergraduate Major Codes
- Graduate Programs Code List
- Certificate List
See information on the Registrar’s page on how to search class schedules.