Auditing a Course

Follow the steps on this page to audit a course at UWRF. If you’re a current student, please start with step three. Prior to turning in an audit card, you should discuss the course requirements with the instructor. Any student who enrolls on an audit basis may NOT change to a credit basis during the term of enrolment. Courses that are registered on an audit basis will appear on your official transcript with “audit” indicated as the grade and there won’t be any credit awarded for the course.

  1. Apply here. If you have questions about your application, please contact our Admissions team at 715-425-3500 or When completing your application, please do the following: click “no” when asked if you are applying as a degree seeking student and when asked what you want to study, select “Audit.”
  2. Once you have been admitted, please Activate your Falcon Account and sign your Fee Payment Agreement. After that you will be able to register for your course(s) in eSIS.
  3. After you have enrolled in your course(s) in eSIS, you will need to submit an Audit Form. Contact us at 715-425-3342 or with any questions. Your Audit Form needs to be completed prior to the fifth UWRF business day of the term.
  4. Check the current audit fee schedule for the costs associated with take a course as an audit student, and contact Student Billing with any questions. Programs with special tuition rates are not open to auditing. Please review special tuition rate programs here. *Degree seeking students will be charged the regular tuition rate for any courses audited.*

Pass/Fail Courses

9.2.9 Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option for Undergraduate Students: Students often hesitate to pursue coursework outside their major field. To encourage more breadth academically, the university allows qualified students to enroll in a course on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis.

The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option contains two tiers: (1) Letter grades of D and above will be coded as “S” for Satisfactory and credit will be awarded and not included in the student’s computation of their grade point average. (2) Letter grade of F will be coded as “U” for Unsatisfactory; no credit is awarded and it is calculated in the student’s grade point average.

  • Sophomores, juniors and seniors who are not on academic probation may take up to two courses in a given term on a Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory basis, with a maximum of five courses.
  • If it is determined that a student’s eligibility for this option changes prior to the start of the course, then the student will be required to carry the course on the conventional grading scale.
  • Courses which may not be taken on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis are those required for General Education, University Requirements, College requirements, and/or curriculum requirements within a major, minor and certificate programs, including required supporting courses. Internships are an exception to this rule and can be taken on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis.
  1. Students must elect the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option by the end of the fourth week of classes during fall or spring terms, or by the end of the first week of classes during J-Term or summer sessions. The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option cannot be reversed once finalized in the Student Information System by the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Care should be taken that courses which might be necessary for a major, minor, certificate, pre-professional program, General Education or University Requirement and decided on later, are not taken as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

The student after consultation with the academic advisor will complete the electronic Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option form which is routed for approval to the advisor and instructor and processed by the Registrar’s Office. The process must be formally initiated by the end of the fourth week of classes during fall or spring terms, or by the end of the first week of classes during J-Term or summer sessions.


105 North Hall
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022
