Current Student Veterans

Currently enrolled students should visit the Military Veteran Resource Center (MVRC) before the beginning of the semester if they have any questions about their benefits. It is the student’s responsibility to alert the MVRC of any changes (add a class, drop a class, change in eligibility status, etc.)  throughout the term. 

Complete a Certification Request form for EVERY semester you would like to use any military education benefits

Close up of the American Flag hung at Hunt Arena

Chapter 1606 and Chapter 30:
Log on to Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) to verify your enrollment online. You can also call 1-877-VA-ECERT (1-877-823-2378) to verify by telephone.

Chapter 33:
Beginning with terms starting on or after December 17, 2021, if you are using your Post-9/11 GI Bill you are required to verify your enrollment at the end of each month to receive your Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments. All impacted students with a US mobile phone number on file should receive an opt-in text message after being enrolled in your course. If you opt out of text message verification or do not respond to the opt-in text, you will be automatically enrolled in email verification with the email address on file with the VA. You may also call 1-888-442-4551.

What happens if I need to miss class for a military obligation?
You will not be penalized for class absence due to required military obligations, as long as your absence does not exceed ten percent of course contact hours. Special permission for additional time may be granted by the instructor. You are responsible for notifying your instructors as far in advance as possible and for providing documentation to your instructors to verify the reason for your absence. Your instructors are responsible for providing reasonable accommodations or opportunities to make up exams and other assignments that impact your grade. You are responsible for completing all course requirements.

UWRF's Policy on Class Absence Due to Military Service

What happens when I'm called to active duty?
Veteran Services understands this is a difficult time for you. Our goal is to make your withdrawal from UW-River Falls and the termination of your veterans education benefits as easy as possible. We will do everything we can to ensure you are treated fairly and do not suffer an academic setback because you have been called to active duty.

Bring a copy of your orders to our office and inform us if you would like to take incompletes for your current courses or if you wish to have your tuition and fees refunded. If your orders are not received before you go, please ensure we receive a copy through fax, email or a trusted individual no later than 30 days of receiving them. Your tuition and fees will be due in full if your orders are not received. Our office will facilitate your withdrawal through all offices involved on your behalf.

No punitive grades will be assigned and the term in which you withdraw from the university will not appear your record. You will also be given a refund for the unused portion of room and board contracts if you live in in a residence hall. Veteran Services will stop payment of your veterans education benefits upon your withdrawal date, but will not require you to pay back any benefits you received during the term. Your education benefits will be awarded until your withdrawal date.

How do I continue my education and receive benefits after activation?
When you wish to return to UW-River Falls and continue your education, please complete a UW System application here. You will NOT be charged an application fee. Then, visit Veteran Services to complete a Request for Certification of Veterans Benefits for the term you wish to receive veterans' education benefits.

In accordance with Wisconsin State Statute, priority registration is given to all veteran and servicemembers who are serving or have served in the U.S. armed forces under honorable conditions. Veteran Services will award veteran priority registration automatically if aware of veteran/servicemember status. If you do not have priority registration and believe you should, please contact the Veteran Services office.

Did you transfer from another school and were using your VA GI Bill?
Complete a Request for Change of Place of Training (VA 22-1995)

Does UW-River Falls need to confirm your veterans benefits?
Complete a Request for Certification of Veterans Benefits

Would you like to apply for the Wisconsin National Guard Tuition Grant?
Complete a Wisconsin National Guard Tuition Grant Application (DMA 189)

Would you like to apply for the Minnesota State Tuition Reimbursement (STR)?
Minnesota State Tuition Reimbursement (STR)

Veteran Services

283 Rodli Hall
512 S. 6th St.
River Falls, WI 54022


Monday-Friday 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.