U.Achieve - Degree Audit

What is a Degree Audit Report (DAR)?
A Degree Audit Report (DAR) provides a record of your academic progress toward completion of a specific degree program. The DAR reviews your UWRF coursework, including in-progress courses and all transfer coursework to evaluate the completion of the requirements for your specific degree. The DAR itemizes specific requirements and shows the steps that you have taken or need to take to complete your degree.

A tutor points to something on a computer screen while another student looks on

And don't forget to leave Comments! The comments section on the Degree Audit is a place for the student to communicate with their adviser regarding suggested courses and exceptions, PIN numbers and direction for the upcoming term.

Step one to leaving a DAR comment

The following are examples of U.Achieve

Upon logging in with your W number and password, select, "Run Audit" to generate a Degree Audit

Step two to leaving a DAR comment

Select "View Audit"to view the Degree Audit that has been generated

Step three to leaving a DAR comment

When the U.Achieve Degree Audit is generated and you select "View Audit"- the main dashboard screen will appear and you will have access to the content of the Audit. Content includes, Audit Summary (graphical and written text), Notes, Course History and Applied Exceptions.

Step four to leaving a DAR comment


105 North Hall
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022

