Graduate Programs with Special Tuition Rates
Business Administration (MBA), Business Analytics
Applies to all students, regardless of residency.
Credits | Total |
1 | 784.00 |
2 | 1,568.00 |
3 | 2,352.00 |
4 | 3,136.00 |
5 | 3,920.00 |
6 | 4,704.00 |
7 | 5,488.00 |
8 | 6,272.00 |
$784.00 per credit charge over eight credits.
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Applies to all students regardless of residency.
Credits | Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 545.00 | 217.80 | 762.80 |
2 | 1,090.00 | 308.33 | 1,398.33 |
3 | 1,635.00 | 398.86 | 2,033.86 |
4 | 2,180.00 | 489.39 | 2,669.39 |
5 | 2,725.00 | 579.92 | 3,304.92 |
6 | 3,270.00 | 670.45 | 3,940.45 |
7 | 3,815.00 | 760.98 | 4,575.98 |
8 | 4,360.00 | 851.55 | 5,211.55 |
$545.00 per credit charge over eight credits.
Credits | Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 545.00 | 76.85 | 621.85 |
2 | 1,090.00 | 121.88 | 1,211.88 |
3 | 1,635.00 | 166.91 | 1,801.91 |
4 | 2,180.00 | 211.93 | 2,391.93 |
$545.00 per credit charge over four credits.
Credits | Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 545.00 | 123.70 | 668.70 |
2 | 1,090.00 | 183.76 | 1,273.76 |
3 | 1,635.00 | 243.82 | 1,878.82 |
4 | 2,180.00 | 303.88 | 2,483.88 |
5 | 2,725.00 | 363.94 | 3,088.94 |
6 | 3,270.00 | 423.81 | 3,693.81 |
$545.00 per credit charge over six credits.
Communication Sciences and Disorders, Elementary Education, Mathematics, and Reading Specialist
Credits | Resident Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 480.75 | 217.80 | 698.55 |
2 | 961.50 | 308.33 | 1,269.83 |
3 | 1,442.25 | 398.86 | 1,841.11 |
4 | 1.923.00 | 489.39 | 2,412.39 |
5 | 2,403.75 | 579.92 | 2,983.67 |
6 | 2,884.50 | 670.45 | 3,554.95 |
7 | 3,365.25 | 760.98 | 4,126.23 |
8 | 3,846.00 | 851.55 | 4,697.55 |
$480.75 per credit charge over eight credits.
Credits | Wisconsin Resident Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 480.75 | 76.85 | 557.60 |
2 | 961.50 | 121.88 | 1,083.38 |
3 | 1,442.25 | 166.91 | 1,609.16 |
4 | 1,923.00 | 211.93 | 2,134.93 |
$480.75 per credit charge over four credits.
Credits | Wisconsin Resident Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 480.75 | 123.70 | 604.45 |
2 | 961.50 | 183.76 | 1,145.26 |
3 | 1,442.25 | 243.82 | 1,686.07 |
4 | 1,923.00 | 303.88 | 2,226.88 |
5 | 2,403.75 | 363.94 | 2,767.69 |
6 | 2,884.50 | 423.81 | 3,308.31 |
$480.75 per credit charge over six credits.
Credits | Minnesota Reciprocity Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 704.06 | 217.80 | 921.86 |
2 | 1,408.12 | 308.33 | 1,716.45 |
3 | 2,112.18 | 398.86 | 2,511.04 |
4 | 2,816.24 | 489.39 | 3,305.63 |
5 | 3,520.30 | 579.92 | 4,100.22 |
6 | 4,224.36 | 670.45 | 4,894.81 |
7 | 4,928.42 | 760.98 | 5,689.40 |
8 | 5,632.48 | 851.55 | 6,484.03 |
$704.06 per credit charge over eight credits.
Credits | Minnesota Reciprocity Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 704.06 | 76.85 | 780.91 |
2 | 1,408.12 | 121.88 | 1,530.00 |
3 | 2,112.18 | 166.91 | 2,279.09 |
4 | 2,816.24 | 211.93 | 3,028.17 |
$704.06 per credit charge over four credits.
Credits | Minnesota Reciprocity Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 704.06 | 123.70 | 827.76 |
2 | 1,408.12 | 183.76 | 1,591.88 |
3 | 2,112.18 | 243.82 | 2,356.00 |
4 | 2,816.24 | 303.88 | 3,120.12 |
5 | 3,520.30 | 363.94 | 3,884.24 |
6 | 4,224.36 | 423.81 | 4,648.17 |
$704.06 per credit charge over six credits.
Credits | Non-Resident Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 1,033.82 | 217.80 | 1,251.62 |
2 | 2,067.64 | 308.33 | 2,375.97 |
3 | 3,101.46 | 398.86 | 3,500.32 |
4 | 4,135.28 | 489.39 | 4,624.67 |
5 | 5,169.10 | 579.92 | 5,749.02 |
6 | 6,202.92 | 670.45 | 6,873.37 |
7 | 7,236.74 | 760.98 | 7,997.72 |
8 | 8,270.56 | 851.55 | 9,122.11 |
$1,033.82 per credit charge over eight credits.
Credits | Non-Resident Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 1,033.82 | 76.85 | 1,110.67 |
2 | 2,067.64 | 121.88 | 2,189.52 |
3 | 3,101.46 | 166.91 | 3,268.37 |
4 | 4,135.28 | 211.93 | 4,347.21 |
$1,033.82 per credit charge over four credits.
Credits | Non-Resident Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 1,033.82 | 123.70 | 1,157.52 |
2 | 2,067.64 | 183.76 | 2,251.40 |
3 | 3,101.46 | 243.82 | 3,345.28 |
4 | 4,135.28 | 303.88 | 4,439.16 |
5 | 5,169.10 | 363.94 | 5,533.04 |
6 | 6,202.92 | 423.81 | 6,626.73 |
$1,033.82 per credit charge over six credits.
Applies to all students regardless of residency.
Credits | Total |
1 | 850.00 |
2 | 1,700.00 |
3 | 2,550.00 |
4 | 3,400.00 |
5 | 4,250.00 |
6 | 5,100.00 |
7 | 5,950.00 |
8 | 6,800.00 |
$850.00 per credit charge over eight credits.
Health and Wellness Management, Certificate of Sustainability and Wellbeing
Applies to all students regardless of residency.
Credits | Total |
1 | 750.00 |
2 | 1,500.00 |
3 | 2,250.00 |
4 | 3,000.00 |
5 | 3,750.00 |
6 | 4,500.00 |
7 | 5,250.00 |
8 | 6,000.00 |
$750.00 per credit charge over eight credits.
Montessori Teacher Education Program
Applies to all Montessori students regardless of residency.
Credits | Total |
1 | 545.00 |
2 | 1,090.00 |
3 | 1,635.00 |
4 | 2,180.00 |
5 | 2,725.00 |
6 | 3,270.00 |
7 | 3,815.00 |
8 | 4,360.00 |
$545.00 per credit charge over eight credits.
School Supervision and Instructional Leadership off-campus based cohorts and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Credits | Total |
1 | 480.75 |
2 | 961.50 |
3 | 1,442.25 |
4 | 1,923.00 |
5 | 2,403.75 |
6 | 2,884.50 |
7 | 3,365.25 |
8 | 3,846.00 |
$480.75 per credit charge over eight credits.
Credits | Total |
1 | 704.06 |
2 | 1,408.12 |
3 | 2,112.18 |
4 | 2,816.24 |
5 | 3,520.30 |
6 | 4,224.36 |
7 | 4,928.42 |
8 | 5,632.48 |
$ 704.06 per credit charge over eight credits.
Credits | Total |
1 | 1,033.82 |
2 | 2,067.64 |
3 | 3,101.46 |
4 | 4,135.28 |
5 | 5,169.10 |
6 | 6,202.92 |
7 | 7,236.74 |
8 | 8,270.56 |
$1,033.82 per credit charge over eight credits.
School Psychology
For the first two years, students pay graduate tuition rates based on their residency. The following rates applies to all students after the first two years regardless of residency.
Credits | Total |
1 | 524.00 |
2 | 1,048.00 |
3 | 1,572.00 |
4 | 2,096.00 |
5 | 2,620.00 |
6 | 3,144.00 |
7 | 3,668.00 |
8 | 4,192.00 |
$524.00 per credit charge over eight credits.
Strength and Conditioning
Credits | Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 519.00 | 217.80 | 736.80 |
2 | 1,038.00 | 308.33 | 1,346.33 |
3 | 1,557.00 | 398.86 | 1,955.86 |
4 | 2,076.00 | 489.39 | 2565.39 |
5 | 2,595.00 | 579.92 | 3,174.92 |
6 | 3,114.00 | 670.45 | 3,784.45 |
7 | 3,633.00 | 760.98 | 4,393.98 |
8 | 4,152.00 | 851.55 | 5,003.55 |
$519.00 per credit charge over eight credits.
Credits | Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 519.00 | 76.85 | 595.85 |
2 | 1,038.00 | 121.88 | 1,159.88 |
3 | 1,557.00 | 166.91 | 1,723.91 |
4 | 2,076.00 | 211.93 | 2,287.93 |
$519.00 per credit charge over four credits.
Credits | Tuition | Segregated Fees | Total |
1 | 519.00 | 123.70 | 642.70 |
2 | 1,038.00 | 183.76 | 1,221.76 |
3 | 1,557.00 | 243.82 | 1,800.82 |
4 | 2,076.00 | 303.88 | 2,379.88 |
5 | 2,595.00 | 363.94 | 2,958.94 |
6 | 3,114.00 | 423.81 | 3,537.81 |
$519.00 per credit charge over six credits.
Total Cost
Your total cost to attend UWRF includes more than just tuition and fees. For more information about the full estimated cost to attend, visit our Tuition and Fees page.
Student Billing
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.