Library Quick Facts
- Circulation desk located to the left as you enter the library.
- Check out period for students checking out books: 28 days.
- Check out period for all CDs, DVDs, etc.: 14 days.
- Check out period for faculty/staff book check out: full semester.
- Return item to circulation desk or book drop.
- Valid university ID or community borrower card required to check out items
Visit the Circulation Desk to...
- Ask questions.
- Check out and return items.
- Renew materials.
- Recall items that have been checked out by someone else.
- Check out items placed on reserve for classes.
- Obtain a community patron card.
Important Library Contact Information:
- Circulation Department: or 715-425-3321
- Interlibrary Loan: or 715-425-4286
- Textbook Services: or 715-425-3106
- University Archives and Area Research Center: or 715-425-3567
Student Employment
Interested in becoming a student employee at the library? We hire student workers, including work study students, as needed. For current open positions, check Handshake. Don't forget to include your current semester schedule and availability when applying. We can't wait to work with you!
Administration: 715-425-4998
- Maureen Olle-LaJoie, Library Director
- Lesley Dame, Administrative Assistant
Access Services: 715-425-3321 or
- Christy Boyer, Access Services Manager
- Stephanie Trinidad, Library Assistant
Area Research Center and University Archives: 715-425-3567 or
- Morgan Paavola, University Archivist and Records Manager
Collection and Resource Management: 715-425-4633
- Helen Spasojevich, Library Assistant
- Anne Tuveson, Library Assistant
Electronic Resources and Systems:
Instruction and Reference: 715-425-3552 or
- Kim Westberry, First Year Student Success Librarian
Textbook Services: 715-425-3106 or
- Daniel Rivera, Manager
- Jesse Aerlyn-Crook, Library Assistant
- Dawn Goenner, Library Assistant
Book and Material Donations:
The library appreciates donations made to enrich our collections in order to support the scholarly teaching and research at the university.
Overview of Criteria for Inclusion of Gifts
- Gifts should be relevant to the library's mission to support the teaching and research programs of the university and will be evaluated in accordance with criteria consistent with the Library Collection Development Policy.
- Donors are not allowed to place special restrictions on the use or disposal of the gifts. The university becomes the owner of all donated materials and, as such, reserves the right to determine its access, retention, location, cataloging treatment and other considerations related to its use, maintenance or removal.
- Material must be in good condition. Paperbacks or hardcovers that are musty, falling apart, missing pages, have yellowed paper or are extensively marked up are rejected. Books with mold and mildew are rejected outright.
- Audiovisual material may be considered if it is in good condition. DVDs and CDs accepted for review. VHS, LPs and cassettes tapes are not.
- Duplicates of materials already in the collection are generally rejected.
Types of Donations that are Generally Considered Inappropriate
- Materials that are not in good physical condition, e.g., contain mold or mildew, stains, water damage or are in any way impaired in a manner that results in limited or restricted use
- Materials that require significant restoration or conservation or unique storage, unless accompanied by appropriate funding
- Textbooks
- Popular trade paperbacks.
- Journals or serials
- Photocopies/facsimiles of original materials.
- Outdated, superseded titles
- Outdated media formats such as VHS, LP's, cassettes, etc.
While gifts are free in the sense that the library doesn't have to pay for them, there are processing costs involved. Cataloging, labeling and ongoing space commitments are just a few of the costs involved for library materials.
General Donation Guidelines
- Gifts delivered without prior arrangement or contact with the library director will not be accepted or acknowledged. Potential donors of materials should contact Maureen Olle-LaJoie at 715-425-3799 or by email at
- For large donations, a list of titles must be submitted for review before delivery. For large collections, an onsite visit by a librarian may be arranged.
- Donations of archival material (examples include personal records, personal papers, photographs, film, and artifacts) should be directed to the University Archives and Area Research Center at 715-425-3567 or by email at
- Delivery of gifts is the responsibility of the donor.
A letter of acknowledgement is sent by request. The letter will acknowledge the number of volumes donated. If a more detailed listing is required the donor will need to provide an itemized list.
Donations and Tax Benefits
The library does not appraise gifts. Donors can find appraisers at the Antiquarian Bookseller's Association of America, the American Booksellers Association or the American Society of Appraisers. For more information consult a tax adviser or the IRS website.
Financial Donations
Monetary donations to the Chalmer Davee Library Endowment Fund can be an excellent way to support our collections as well as the services and facilities of the libraries.
The Chalmer Davee Library adheres to the American Library Association's policy on exhibit spaces by providing exhibit space as a venue for individuals and groups to display works of art, publicize special events, promote a cause or an organization, or show off a hobby. The library's Harriet Barry Gallery is in a high profile, well-traveled area and is open to the university community, local artists, and members of the general public. In addition to the gallery, the library houses several free standing glass cases as well as two recessed wall spaces. Anyone interested in using the gallery or exhibit spaces should e-mail
Please refer to the Exhibit Guidelines for additional information. Gallery Dimensions
The library also has several free standing and recessed wall cases for exhibits:
- Large Wall Case: 120" x 62" x 16"
- Small Wall Case: 62" x 62" x 16"
- Table Cases: 60" x 30" x 10.5"
The Chalmer Davee Library adopts the following information literacy standards developed by the Association of College and Research Libraries as our student learning outcomes. A UW-River Falls graduate will be able to:
- Determine the extent of information needed
- Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
- Evaluate information and its sources critically
The library’s core activities of information literacy instruction, supplemented by on-demand reference and consultation services, form the foundation of our teaching and learning program.
Individual librarians conduct student learning assessment projects as important components of specialized library instruction developed for particular sets of students and their specific information needs.
The library measures student learning both directly and indirectly. Routine indirect measures include faculty evaluation of each information literacy instruction session for its effectiveness in teaching students the information literacy skills they need for the course. Also, direct observations of information seekers by librarians provide useful insight into the effectiveness of our efforts. The library periodically employs direct measures of student learning in the classroom as well.
The library uses assessment findings to inform the revision of lessons and learning objects in deliberate efforts to measurably improve student learning.
Report: AY23 Library Instruction Results