Endowment Fund
The Chalmer Davee Library continues a 130 year old tradition of supporting academic excellence at UWRF. Maintaining the level of excellence expected in our academic community is an ongoing challenge for the library. As costs increase, the library has sought to supplement university support by establishing the Chalmer Davee Library Endowment Fund. Please consider supporting this terrific campus resource!

Your contributions allow us to enhance:
- Collection Development to enable the Chalmer Davee Library to respond to special purchase opportunities, such as collections or individual items of unique or special value.
- Equipment which allows the library to implement innovations in library services or address special needs, including access to the latest information technology.
- Facility and Environmental Needs which will significantly affect library service, providing an environment that is conducive to learning and scholarly activities.
- Programming and Development which will benefit library staff and services.
The Chalmer Davee Library supports the University's mission by:
- providing a welcoming environment conducive to learning, scholarship, and self-enrichment
- ensuring open access for the academic and local community to information and scholarship
- offering a carefully selected collection of books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, and electronic information resources
- instructing students in finding, using and evaluating information
- working with faculty to support the curriculum of the university
- serving as a depository for state and federal government information
- providing access to unique, historical materials from the area
- featuring a variety of exhibits and book discussions
Administration of the Endowment Fund
The Chalmer Davee Library Endowment Fund Committee administers the fund while the UW-River Falls Foundation, a tax-exempt charitable agency, manages accounting and investing of the endowment. Emphasis is placed on principle safety and long-term income and earnings are used for the fund's purposes or returned to the principal.
Have questions or want more information?
Contact Maureen Olle-LaJoie, Library Director, at 715-425-3799 or maureen.olle-lajoie@uwrf.edu.