Our Faculty and Staff

Headshot of Joel Peterson

Joel Peterson

Professor and Department Chair, Agricultural Engineering Technology

Office: 163 Agriculture Engineering Annex
Phone: 715-425-3985
Email: joel.peterson@uwrf.edu 

Ph.D., Purdue University;
M.S., Penn State University;
B.S., University of Minnesota.

Joel brought his expertise in civil and environmental engineering to the department in 2010. Joel earned his B.S. degree in Biosystems Engineering from the University of Minnesota, his M.S. in Agricultural Engineering from Penn State, and his Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from Purdue University. Joel has industry experience with private engineering consulting firms as well as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources. While with the Army Corps of Engineers he spent 4 months in Iraq as the lead project engineer on several environmental rehabilitation projects.

Headshot of Youngmi Kim

Youngmi Kim

Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering Technology

Office: 162 Agriculture Engineering Annex
Phone: 715-425-4331
Email: youngmi.kim@uwrf.edu 

Ph.D., Purdue University, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (2005)
M.E., Inha University, Biological Engineering (2001)
B.E., Inha University, Biological Engineering (1999)

Research Interests:

  • Food process engineering
  • Renewable energy (lignocellulosic biofuels and chemicals)
  • Bioprocess engineering


  • Kim, Y.; Kreke, T.; Ko, J.K., Ladisch, M.R. 2015. Hydrolysis-Determining Substrate Characteristics in Liquid Hot Water Pretreated Hardwood, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112: 677-687
  • Ko, J.K.; Ximenes, E., Kim, Y.; Ladisch, M.R. 2015. Adsorption of Enzyme onto Lignins of Liquid Hot Water Pretreated Hardwoods, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112: 447-456
  • Ko, J.K.; Kim, Y.; Ximenes, E., Ladisch, M.R. 2015. Effect of Liquid Hot Water Pretreatment Severity on Properties of Hardwood Lignin and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112: 252-262
  • Kim, Y.; Kreke, T.; Mosier, N.S.,; Ladisch, M.R. 2013. Severity Factor Coefficients for Subcritical Liquid Hot Water Pretreatment of Hardwood Chips, Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 111: 254-263.
  • Kim, Y.; Kreke, T.; Ladisch, M.R. 2013. Reaction Mechanisms and Kinetics of Xylo-oligosaccharide Hydrolysis by Dicarboxylic Acids, AIChE Journal. 59:188-199.
  • Kim, Y.; Kreke, T.; Hendrickson, R.; Parenti, J.; Ladisch, M.R. 2013. Fractionation of Cellulase and Fermentation Inhibitors from Steam Pretreated Mixed Hardwood, Bioresource Technology. 135:30-38

Youngmi joined the department early in 2015. She holds a B.E. and M.E. both in Biological Engineering from Inha University in South Korea. Her Ph.D. is in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from Purdue University. After earning her doctorate Youngmi continued her affiliation with Purdue for eight more years as Bioprocess Research Engineer. Her expertise area is food and bioprocess engineering and renewable fuels.


Headshot of Dean Olson

Dean Olson

Professor, Agricultural Engineering Technology; Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Office: 210 Ag Science Building
Phone: 715-425-4476
Email: dean.ivan.olson@uwrf.edu 

B.S. and M.S., South Dakota State University
Ph.D., Iowa State University.

Dean came to UW-River Falls in 1997 having completed his Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from Iowa State University. His B.S. and M.S. degrees are from South Dakota State University and are also in Agricultural Engineering. His areas of expertise include soil and water resource engineering and water quality. Dean served as Chair of the Agricultural Engineering Technology Department from 2002 until 2013. He continues to teach but also serves as an associate dean for the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences where he provides oversight for the college operations.


Headshot of Joe Shakal

Joseph Shakal

Professor, Agricultural Engineering Technology

Office: 161 Agriculture Engineering Annex
Phone: 715-425-4606
Email: joseph.shakal@uwrf.edu 

Ph.D. and M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.S., University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

After 16 years in industry, Joe joined the department in 2009. Over five of those 16 years were spent in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory at the National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology at Tsukuba, Japan. In 1998 he joined TSI Inc., a manufacturer of laser and precision measurement instruments in St. Paul, Minnesota. There he worked as a R&D engineer, opto-mechanical engineer, applications engineer and product manager for laser-based measurement instruments. Joe earned his B.S. degree in mathematics and physics from UW-River Falls and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from UW-Madison.


Headshot of Patrick Woolcock

Patrick Woolcock

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Technology

Office: 164 Agriculture Engineering Annex
Phone: 715-425-4462
Email: patrick.woolcock@uwrf.edu 

Ph.D., Iowa State University
B.S., Pennsylvania State University

Patrick joined the UWRF team in 2019 after six years in North Carolina with Southern Research where he served as a Chemical Engineer. His industry experience includes a wide range of energy and environment related R&D, including thermochemical conversion, environmental remediation and other clean energy technologies. He brings mechanical, chemical, environmental and aviation experience to the department. Patrick grew up on a small family farm in rural Pennsylvania and completed his undergraduate studies at Penn State in Agricultural & Biological Engineering and International Studies. He received his doctorate from Iowa State in Biorenewable Resources & Technology and Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering focusing on thermochemical conversion of biomass and high temperature gas cleanup processes.


Headshot of Bob Zhiwei Zeng

Bob Zhiwei Zeng

Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Technology

Office: 160 Agriculture Engineering Annex
Phone: 715-425-3307
Email: zhiwei.zeng@uwrf.edu 

Ph.D., University of Manitoba, Canada
B.Sc., Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, China

Bob joined the UWRF Engineering Department in 2021 from the University of Manitoba, where he worked as a post-doc fellow collaborating with industrial partners in a wide range of machinery systems R&D for sustainable agricultural production. Bob earned his Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering and a Certificate in Higher Education Teaching from the University of Manitoba. He received his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in China. He is a licensed professional engineer with expertise in the areas of machinery systems modeling, testing, automation and numerical simulation.


Headshot of Wendy Riester

Wendy Riester

Academic Department Associate, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Education and Agricultural Engineering Technology

Office: 171 Agricultural Engineering Annex
Phone: 715-425-4557
Email: wendy.riester@uwrf.edu 

Engineering and Technology

171 Ag Engineering Annex
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022

