New This Year! Winter/J-Term Housing Offered at No Cost

Effective this year, we're eliminating the J-term or “winter” housing contract and fees for living on campus from Dec. 20, 2024 to Jan. 25, 2025. This benefit is available for students who are living on campus fall and spring semesters of the 2024-25 academic year. 

How Does This Affect Me?

If you plan to go home over winter break and will not return until spring semester housing begins on Saturday, Jan. 25, then you do not need to “move out” of your room over J-term. There are some room preparation steps for you to complete before you go, noted below. Please note that you can return on a date of your convenience for spring semester, or at any time during J-term for any reason without notifying Residence Life.

Empty bed in your room: If you are in a double-occupancy room with an empty bed and have not been special-approved for a single room, make sure one bed, desk, dresser and the closet are clear of your items and available for a potential new spring semester roommate. Their half of the room needs to be returned to its original configuration (See room configurations). If you are wanting to pay the extra cost to keep your room as a single (not guaranteed), or if you have a desired roommate, then you are required to do so by submitting the Housing Intent Survey here (deadline to submit is December 10).

Preparing to leave for winter break/J-term

If you are currently a student and will be returning to UWRF in the spring, you do not need to move out. Complete the following before leaving campus:

  • Throw out perishable food (including food in the fridge).
  • Close window(s) and blind(s).
  • Take all room trash to dumpsters located outside the residence hall.
  • Unplug all appliances (except fridge and aquarium).
  • Outlet strips and valuables should be off the floor.
  • Turn all lights off.
  • Lock room door. 
  • South Fork Suites bathroom preparation instructions.
  • Sign the "we've left for break" sheet on your room or suite door.

If you plan to stay on campus at any time over winter break, you don't need to apply for a J-term contract and pay extra. You may continue living in your room and/or return to your room at any time free of charge and without notifying Residence Life. If you plan to leave your room for an extended period of time over winter break, then there are some room preparation steps for you to complete before you go, shown below.

Empty bed in your room: If you are in a double-occupancy room with an empty bed and have not been special-approved for a single room, make sure one bed, desk, dresser and the closet are clear of your items and available for a potential new spring semester roommate. Their half of the room needs to be returned to its original configuration (See room configurations.). If you are wanting to pay the extra cost to keep your room as a single (not guaranteed), or if you have a desired roommate, then you are required to do so by submitting the Housing Intent Survey here (deadline to submit is December 10).

Preparing to leave for winter break/J-term

If you are currently a student and will be returning to UWRF in the spring, you do not need to move out. Complete the following before leaving campus:

  • Throw out perishable food (including food in the fridge).
  • Close window(s) and blind(s).
  • Take all room trash to dumpsters located outside the residence hall.
  • Unplug all appliances (except fridge and aquarium).
  • Outlet strips and valuables should be off the floor.
  • Turn all lights off.
  • Lock room door. 
  • South Fork Suites bathroom preparation instructions.
  • Collect "occupied" signage from an RA, complete the required sections and tape to the outside of your door.

If you are leaving on-campus housing due to an approved reason like graduation, withdrawing from the university, etc., then you'll need to move out of your room by 10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 20. If you need to remain in your room for a few days after this date and time, then you must email and provide your requested date of departure and your reason for delayed move out.

  • All students who wish to depart on-campus housing must submit a request for approval using the online “Housing Termination Request Form.” Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee approval. See the Contract Termination webpage for details.
  • Priority Deadline for Housing Termination Requests: Students whose requests were submitted before December 1 and are approved will be eligible for a refund of their $100 housing deposit. Those who submit requests after December 1 may still be approved but will not be eligible for a deposit refund.
  • Residents receiving approval of their termination request: Please visit the Move Out webpage here for move out details.

Hathorn Mail Center

The Hathorn Mail Center will be open very limited days and hours during winter break. All packages received for students who will be living in the residence halls during spring semester will be held until Sunday, Feb. 10, 2025. Packages not picked up by this date will be returned to sender.

Dining During J-Term/Winter Break

The last meal provided for the fall semester will be Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024, after dinner. There will be limited options for dining throughout J-Term/winter break with the C-Store being open January 6-24 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, please visit the Dining website

Residence Life

410 S. 3rd St.
B3 East Hathorn Hall
River Falls, WI 54022


Monday-Friday, 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.