How Do I Request Transcripts?
There are a variety of ways that you can obtain your official UWRF Transcript. Transcripts are ordered online through Parchment for in person pick-up, postal mail delivery, Fed-Ex overnight delivery and electronic/PDF version.
- In-Person Pick-Up: Transcripts can be picked up in person after ordering with a picture ID. They can also be picked up by another person on your behalf. The individual picking up will need to be specified in the original order and they will need to present a photo ID. Transcripts will be placed in one sealed envelope. If presenting to another recipient, DO NOT OPEN.
- Postal Mail: The transcript will be placed in one sealed envelope and delivered by postal mail to the address provided in the order. Postal orders placed on a business day are typically mailed out the next day. If you mail your transcript to yourself with the intent of delivering it to another party, DO NOT OPEN the envelope. FedEx Domestic and international mailings are options and will be charged accordingly.
- Electronic Mail/PDF: The transcript will arrive to the recipient as a secure PDF the same day. The secure PDF cannot be edited. The initial PDF sent will be the official document. The recipient is able to save the PDF to another location outside of the email inbox as the recipient will lose access to the document after 30 days.
Transcript Fees
The fee for an official transcript is $10 per copy. Additional delivery fees are added for printed copies sent via first class mail or FedEx. Transcript orders that are placed for immediate pickup will be charged an additional one time rush order fee of $8.
Order online. Questions regarding ordering transcripts? Please call Parchment at: 847-716-3005.
Important Note:
The preferred delivery method is between you and your recipient. It is your responsibility to verify the preferred method of your intended recipient. If you request a transcript using a delivery method that your recipient does not accept a new order will have to be made at your expense. For that reason, we strongly encourage you to confirm your recipient’s preferred delivery method before submitting any transcript orders.
The standard processing turnaround time from placing your transcript order is 1 to 3 business days.
Need a transcript sent internationally? View instructions on sending international transcripts.
Unofficial Transcripts
"Unofficial" transcripts are limited to enrolled students with access to eSIS. Former students and alumni who need a copy of their educational record must request an official transcript.