Emergency Fund

UW-River Falls is dedicated to student success both in and out of the classroom and recognizes that sometimes financial emergencies can occur that may interfere with this success. The UWRF Emergency Grant/Loan Program assists with some emergencies that can negatively affect success and progress toward a degree.


The Emergency Grant/Loan Program has certain restrictions for what is eligible for coverage. If these programs do not provide coverage for your specific need, we encourage students to apply for scholarships. The Financial Resources page offers insight for other resources in the community and at UWRF.

UWRF provides the following Emergency Fund programs. It’s important to read the programs carefully to better understand what program you are more qualified for.

  • The Universities of Wisconsin Emergency Grant can assist with medical bills, car repairs, travel for family emergencies and to replace items stolen or damaged in a fire. It cannot cover other expenses.
  • The UWRF Emergency Grant/Loan Program can assist the above expenses as well as rent, bills from a service provider and public transportation costs.

Emergency Grant approval is dependent on available funds. 

The UWRF Emergency Grant/Loan Program assists with some emergencies that can negatively affect success and progress towards a degree.

Eligible expenses include:

  • Medical and dental expenses
  • Car repairs
  • Travel expenses for a family emergency
  • Housing and rent
  • Pubic transportation costs

Ineligible expenses:

  • Tuition and other student fees
  • Groceries, alcohol and tobacco
  • Entertainment
  • Legal services
  • Fines

Eligibility Requirements

  • Student must be currently enrolled, degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate student with six or more credits in progress.
  • Assistance is granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender, disability, or national origin.
  • A student is eligible for up to three allocations while being a degree-seeking student at UWRF, but no more than two allocations may be received in an academic year.

How do I apply

  • The Emergency Fund Committee will determine if you are eligible for a grant or a loan.
  • Your first allocation will be in the form of a grant which means you do not have to pay back that award.
  • If you have already received one grant, the remaining two allocations will be received in the form of a loan, which must be paid back to the university. Please consult with Student Billing for questions related to paying back your loan.

Please reach out to our office for assistance by calling 715-425-0720 or by emailing deanofstudents@uwrf.edu.

Visit Give to UW-River Falls and select "Student Emergency Fund" as the designation.

Dean of Students

235 Rodli Hall
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022

