Care Team
The Care Team is an interdisciplinary team comprised of campus professionals focused on a) identification of resources and strategies for UWRF students who are in need of support, or who are experiencing distress AND b) early detection and intervention for students whose behaviors have reached a level of concern indicating potential harm to oneself or others.
For more information regarding the Care Team, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 715-425-0720.
- We receive referrals submitted by students, staff, faculty, community members, etc.
- We review referrals and keep records of student behavior and circumstances that are of concern.
- We ensure student confidentiality is maintained as much as possible.
- We assist and support referred students, mitigate risks, prioritize campus community safety and promote wellness and success.
- We meet weekly as a Care Team and work on a consensus basis.
- We collaboratively consult and develop strategies to address concerning situations and behavior. This may include exploring on and off campus resources for support, determining appropriate interventions for specific situations and individuals and designating team members to do appropriate follow up.
- We regularly assess harmful behaviors at the university and surrounding community and we recommend actions in accordance with existing university policies.
- We approach all conversations with students with the utmost compassion and kindness, as we collaboratively determine best courses of action moving forward.
General student concerns:
- Academic red flags (i.e., unexpected changes in performance, frequent disengagement with class or assignments, concerning writing submissions, multiple life stressors, etc.)
- Concerns about substance use or abuse
- Financial hardship
- Food insecurity (unable to access sufficient quantities of food)
- Historical emotional/mental health diagnoses
- Housing insecurity
- Living environment stress
- Loss of a friend or family member
- Physical health concerns
- Post-hospitalization (short-term assistance with coordination of care)
- Recent onset of emotional/mental health diagnoses
- Relationship/social stress
Concern that a student may be a threat to self or others:
- Actions that potentially endanger the safety of any member of the UWRF community
- Any type of observed self-injurious behavior
- Behavior that creates a hostile environment
- Behavior that impacts a student's ability to function appropriately and successfully on campus
- Online posting on social media or journals that is threatening in nature
- Paranoia or delusions
- Projects or papers that convey clear intentions to harm oneself or others
- Students with weapons or an infatuation with fire, guns, bombs, ammunition or other weaponry
- Suicide ideation that includes threats, gestures and known attempts of suicide
- Threatening words or actions toward any member of the UWRF community
- Uncharacteristic and/or extreme aggression towards others

Report a Concern/Refer a Student

Student Health and Counseling Services

Emergency/Crisis Situations

Counseling Appointments

Mantra Health
Case Management
Case management is a process to facilitate support to our students. In this process, a Case Manager or Care Team member is assigned to the student of concern. Their job is to serve as an initial point of contact for the student and help determine the needs of the student, identify/connect them to resources and create an action plan with the student that supports their success at UWRF.
A Care Team referral is a report where someone believes a student may be struggling or participating in concerning behavior and needs extra support.
There are a variety of reasons someone may be referred. Here are some common examples:
- Academic concerns (missing classes, struggling with assignments)
- Campus connection/involvement concerns
- Disruptive or distressed behavior
- Financial needs
- Basic needs (food, clothing)
- Illness or Accident (ongoing or sudden)
- Family concerns
- Mental health
- Substance use
When Care Team receives a referral, the student is assigned to someone on the Care Team. That individual reaches out to the student in hopes of meeting with the student to understand their situation better and figure out possible support options for them.
You are being referred to the Care Team, because someone is concerned about you and believes you may benefit from some additional support to be successful.
There are a variety of reasons someone may be referred. Here are some common examples:
- Academic concerns (missing classes, struggling with assignments)
- Campus connection/involvement concerns
- Disruptive or distressed behavior
- Financial needs
- Basic needs (food, clothing)
- Illness or Accident (on going or sudden)
- Family concerns
- Mental health
- Substance use
In your meeting with the Case Manager/Care Team member, they will ask you questions to understand what is going on in the many areas of your life. They will ask about your life experiences, life stressors, support systems, and needs. From there, the Case Manager/Care Team member will be able to offer support and identify/connect you to other campus resources to help you be successful.
Care Team Members
- Michael Gilmer: Dean of Students
- Kayla Ross: Student Conduct Coordinator and Case Manager, Dean of Students Office
- Jordan Cantele: Student Conduct Coordinator and Case Manager, Dean of Students Office
- April Chaney: Title IX Coordinator, Dean of Students Office
- Alicia Reinke-Tuthill: Director, Disability Resource Center
- Jenn Rassett: Director for Community and Student Development, Residence Life
- Mark Huttemier: Associate Director of Counseling, Student Health and Counseling Services
- Michele Klechefski: Student Health Nurse, Student Health and Counseling Services
- Karen Smolarek: Director, TRIO Student Support Services, Student Support Services
- Karl Fleury: Chief, University Police
- Others may participate when necessary.
Reporting a Concern
Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to contact the Care Team to share information if they feel outreach or follow-up may be of assistance to an individual. Behavior you observe is not likely to be an isolated incident. Reporting behaviors you observe may help to establish a pattern, ensuring individuals get the assistance they need.
You are encouraged to report any concerning behavior regardless of how severe you perceive the behavior. The behavior you are observing may not be an isolated incident. Reporting may help establish a pattern and ensure that individuals get the assistance they need. We encourage you to report concerns early and often.
No. If you are concerned about a student, sharing that concern with the Care Team does not violate a student's right to privacy under FERPA.
FERPA does not prohibit faculty and staff from sharing information obtained from personal knowledge or observation and not from a student's education record. Sharing your student concerns with the Care Team helps to ensure that students are provided the support they may need to be successful.
Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to share their concern(s) via this referral form.
Some examples of information include:
- The individual's name.
- If the individual is a student or staff member.
- Details regarding the specific behavior(s).
- When and where the behavior(s) took place.
- How that individual responded to your concerns.
If you are in doubt of what to share, the more information we are able to collect about the individual the better able we are to assist them.
In most cases, no. In order to promote a culture of reporting the team will do their best to keep reports confidential. However, there are some instances when the team will be unable to ensure confidentiality. If you are concerned about your identity being shared, we encourage you to discuss your concerns with the Dean of Students Office.
Due to FERPA regulations, members of the Care Team are not permitted to discuss with you the response or outcome of your reported concern. However, the Care Team encourages you to follow up directly with the individual to discuss your concern.
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