Study Abroad
At UWRF, we encourage you to engage and explore with the world around you. Studying abroad is an incredible option for doing so but there are a few key things to keep in mind while planning for a study abroad experience, including the financial piece. There are various options to support your experience but it's important to plan ahead and stay on track. Have questions? Email and let's chat!
Must Dos
Plan ahead! Meet with Financial Aid to learn how financial aid works when you study abroad. The amount of financial aid you're eligible to receive can't exceed the study abroad program’s standard costs. Increased financial aid eligibility for study abroad programs is usually limited to student or parent loans. The Wisconsin Resident Education Abroad Grant (see info above) is available for Wisconsin resident students who have financial need and, while funding is limited, Global Connections makes every attempt to award every student that is eligible.
As with any regular semester, you must be enrolled at least half time (six credits for undergrads, four credits for graduate students) to be eligible to receive most financial aid. J-Term credits are combined with fall credits to determine enrollment for financial aid purposes.
- Please note: Federal Regulations prohibit releasing any financial aid funds before the semester for which you have been awarded. So, for example, if you need to pay a trip deposit early, you must plan ahead! UWRF financial aid counselors are here to assist you as you arrange funding for going abroad. Please make an individual appointment with a financial aid counselor as soon as you begin planning for studying abroad.
Attending Another College During Your Trip
As a heads up, if you're attending another college for your international study trip, you may encounter additional hurdles in the financial aid process. Financial aid is only available to "degree-seeking" students, so if you are only visiting another college for the purpose of an international study, that college cannot offer you aid. You can only get financial aid from the college at which you intend to complete your degree, called the "home institution."
UWRF, as the home institution, may be able to offer financial aid for your study abroad through another college with a Financial Aid Consortium Agreement. Click the link, scroll to "Consortium Agreement Policy, then open and print the agreement. Complete the student section and have the host institution (where you'll be studying) complete their section, then bring the completed form to the Financial Aid office. Please keep in mind that a number of parties must sign off on this agreement, so it's crucial that you start this process well in advance of the semester you plan to study abroad!
International Study Scholarships Available through UWRF
Based on your major, you may be eligible to apply for an international studies scholarship through your college. To apply, you'll need to complete the UWRF Scholarship Application. Once you've submitted your online general application, you'll be able to search under the "Opportunities" dropdown for "Study Abroad." Find your appropriate college and the term you'll be completing your international study then select "Apply." Remember, you must answer all the supplemental questions to be considered for a scholarship(s).
The Award Process
International study scholarship recipients will be selected by the colleges. Each college will notify the Financial Aid Office of the awards and the scholarship(s) and, if you're awarded one or more, they will be applied to your UWRF account in the term that your study abroad experience occurs. Remember, if you need to pay a trip deposit early, you must plan ahead!
Keep in mind that UWRF financial aid counselors are here to assist you as you arrange funding for going abroad. Please make an individual appointment with a financial aid counselor as soon as you begin planning a study abroad experience!
External Study Abroad Scholarships
Financial Aid
Monday-Friday, 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.