Nonacademic Misconduct
The missions of the Universities of Wisconsin System and its institutions can only be realized if activities occurring in living and learning environments are safe and free from violence, harassment, fraud, theft, disruption and intimidation. We have a responsibility to address student nonacademic conduct. This responsibility is separate from and independent of any civil or criminal action resulting from a student’s conduct.
The UWRF Student Code of Conduct is made up of UWS Chapters 14, 17 and 18. These chapters outline both academic (14) and nonacademic (17 and 18) disciplinary procedures for all Universities of Wisconsin students, as well as, prohibited behavior. These policies apply both on and off campus.
In other words...
The policies and procedures on alcohol use, property damage, harassment and other student behavior- both on and off campus. Also, who is involved and what happens after.
In other words...
The policies and procedures on how people should conduct themselves on all university lands controlled by the UW System Board of Regents.
Conduct issues that stem from incidents outside of academic work - both on and off campus.
- Illegal use, possession, manufacture or distribution of alcohol or controlled substances
- Using a fake ID
- Damage to property
- Noncompliance with disciplinary sanctions
- Parking in a restricted area without a valid permit or in a fire zone, fire lane, loading zone or no parking zone
- Removing, destroying, or molesting any bird, animal, or fish life
- Having unpermitted dogs, cats and other pets in a university building
- Climbing into, onto or out of any university building including roofs
- Entering onto the playing surface of any officially sanctioned athletic event while it is in process
- Familiarize yourself with the various policies and procedures which students are held accountable.
- If you live on campus, review and familiarize yourself with UWRF's housing policies and procedures.
- Abide by all federal, state and local laws.
Chapter UWS 17
Nonacademic Misconduct
Chapter UWS 18
Conduct on University Lands
RSO/Student Group Conduct Process
Individual Recognized Student Organization (RSO) members and/or other student groups, who gather for a common purpose but not be considered an RSO, may be referred to the Dean of Students Office for individual student misconduct concerns under UW System Chapters 17 and 18. It is important to note, the policies and processes on this page and in the documents linked outline organizational-level misconduct. Individual conduct is another matter subject to the policies and processes of the Dean of Students Office.
UWRF expects that students demonstrate appropriate behavior and follow state and federal laws. University of Wisconsin System Administrative Conduct Code Chapter 17 and 18 are policies that all students are expected to follow. These policies apply to individual students as well as Recognized Student Organizations/student groups.
Conduct of a student who is a member of an RSO/student group will not be considered to be conduct of the RSO/student group unless the facts and circumstances surrounding the conduct suggest that the RSO/student group sponsored, organized or otherwise endorsed the conduct.
- Individual student conduct procedures may proceed in tandem with the RSO/student group conduct process.
At UWRF, the Dean of Students Office is responsible for administering the University's conduct process. This process is outlined as follows:
1. The Dean of Students Office receives a report via Report It! of possible nonacademic misconduct. This report may be received from multiple sources, including but not limited to:
- University Police
- UWRF Departments
- River Falls Police Department
- Other Community Agencies
- Other Universities of Wisconsin Schools, Colleges and Universities
- Faculty, Staff or Students
- Community members and businesses
Any complaint of sexual misconduct shall be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.
- Please file a concern here under the Sexual Misconduct dropdown.
- More information about the Title IX process can be found here.
2. The Dean of Students Office reviews the report to determine whether it implicates a possible policy violation(s) under UWS Administrative Conduct Code Chapter 17 or 18.
- The Dean of Students Office determines whether to call together a core group meeting to review the report which shall consist of staff members from:
- University Center, including Student Involvement, Campus Recreation, and Dean of Students office
- Fraternity and Sorority Life staff, if applicable
- Faculty or staff from the sponsoring department of the student group, if applicable
- Other University stakeholders, if applicable
- RSO/student group officers/leaders receive communication to their UWRF email with a meeting invitation and information about the RSO/student group student conduct process.
- The Dean of Students Office may request a roster list or other pertinent information to assist with furthering its investigation.
- The RSO/student group officers/leaders meet with a member of the Dean of Students Office to discuss the incident, provide their account of what was reported, and offer any relevant information they would like considered in making a determination regarding responsibility.
- The Dean of Students Office determines what further investigation, if any, is needed.
3. If the Dean of Students Office determines that a policy violation may have occurred, the Dean of Students Office issues the students within the RSO/student group a formal letter to the student’s UWRF email account, providing notice of the alleged policy violation(s) and requesting the student schedule a meeting to discuss the incident with a Dean of Students staff member.
- It is the student's responsibility to check their UWRF email account regularly and retrieve/respond to any communications sent to the student.
4. The students meet with a member of the Dean of Students Office to discuss the incident, provide their account of what was reported, and offer any relevant information they would like considered in making a determination regarding responsibility. The Dean of Students Office determines what further investigation, if any, is needed.
5. The Dean of Students staff will consider all information available to them, make a decision about the individual student's responsibility in the larger RSO/student group investigation case.
- NOT RESPONSIBLE: If the Dean of Students Office determines the RSO/student group is NOT RESPONSIBLE for prohibited behavior, the RSO/student group is informed via email and the case is closed.
- RESPONSIBLE: If the Dean of Students Office determines the RSO/student group is RESPONSIBLE for prohibited behavior, the Dean of Students staff will consult with relevant campus partner staff for assistance in identifying sanctions that will be meaningful and productive to the RSO/student group. Appropriate staff directly involved in the RSO/student group may be consulted.
- As a reminder, it is possible for individual students to be going through the individual student conduct procedures at the same time as the RSO/student group conduct process. A finding of NOT RESPONSIBLE for the RSO/student group does not inherently mean that individual students are not being found responsible/not responsible for their individual student conduct cases.
6. The Dean of Students Office sends a decision letter to the RSO/student group officers/leaders that includes findings, sanctions, and the option to appeal. The RSO/student group officers/leaders have 10 days to appeal the decision and/or the sanctions.
- NO APPEAL: At the expiration of 10 days, if NO APPEAL is filed, the findings and sanctions are final. Once sanctions are complete, the case is closed. If the RSO/student group fails to complete sanctions by the assigned deadline, they will be charged with non-compliance.
- APPEAL: If the RSO/student group APPEALS the initial decision and/or sanctions, a hearing will be convened. The Student Conduct Hearing Board will hear the case, determine responsibility and, if appropriate, will assign sanctions. These decisions are separate from the initial finding and resolution offered. Furthermore, these decisions may be the same or may be different, they may be more or less stringent based on the board's determination.
- Decisions of the Student Conduct Hearing Board are communicated to the RSO/student group via UWRF email within 14 days of the hearing.
- Once the conditions of the Student Conduct Hearing Board’s decision have been met, the case is closed.
7. The RSO/student group has the right to appeal Student Conduct Hearing Board’s decision based on the following grounds:
- The information in the records does not support the decision;
- Procedures were not followed fairly and appropriately;
8. Appeals must be made in writing within 14 days of the date of the outcome letter.
9. The Senior Student Affairs Officer reviews the case and responds with a decision within 30 days. The decision of the Senior Student Affairs Officer is final.
A sanction is an outcome to hold students accountable to behavior that violates policy. These vary based on circumstance and are selected based on severity and recurring behavioral concerns.
Sanctions listed in the decision letter will have descriptions and deadlines. The sanctions listed below are assigned by the Dean of Students Office based on the severity of the incident and past conduct history:
- Recognized Student Organization Disciplinary Warning: A written warning that outlines why the conduct of the recognized student organization was inappropriate and warning of additional sanctions if the conduct continues.
- Recognized Student Organization Disciplinary Probation: The recognized student organization will remain recognized provided it abides by all applicable laws and policies. Probation will allow the use of University of Wisconsin-River Falls facilities and resources available to all recognized student organizations. Probation signifies a warning status that any further violation of policy may result in Disciplinary Suspension or loss of University Recognition. Disciplinary Probation will be given for a specific time period; the recognized student organization will return to good standing once the time period has expired.
- Recognized Student Organization Disciplinary Suspension: Resources available to recognized student organizations and the use of University facilities will be suspended. Recognized student organizations on suspension will not be allowed to meet, conduct organization business, and will be held accountable for any continued misconduct of the recognized student organization. Any further violation of policy when suspension has been invoked will result in immediate loss of University Recognition. Disciplinary Suspension will be given for a specific time period after which the recognized student organization must re-apply for University Recognition. The re-application must include a plan for steps the recognized student organization has taken to eliminate the risk of future violation of policy.
- Revocation of Recognized Student Organization University Recognition: The recognized student organization will officially lose recognition by the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. All resources and rights enjoyed by recognized student organizations will be permanently lost. Revocation of University Recognition will occur based upon the type and severity of the misconduct. In addition, University Recognition may be revoked when a recognized student organization on Disciplinary Suspension violates University policy and/or federal, state, or local law.
- Recognized Student Organization Emergency Suspension: The recognized student organization may be immediately suspended if the Senior Student Affairs Officer has reason to believe the safety of individuals or the community may be in jeopardy. Any Emergency Suspension will be followed by an investigation as outlined in this document. Emergency Suspension should be used in extraordinary circumstances and is not intended to be a long-standing condition for recognized student organizations.
- Loss of Recognized Student Organization University Privileges: The recognized student organization will be prohibited from using specific resources if found in violation of abuse of such resources. Loss of University Privileges will be sanctioned for a specified time period after which the privileges will be reinstated.
- Recognized Student Organization Restitution: The recognized student organization will be responsible for the cost associated with replacement or maintenance of item(s) damaged due to misconduct.
With each sanction, conditions, and restorative actions may be assigned. In addition, notifications may be given to other university officials as necessary. Conditions include, but are not limited to:
- Educational: Can include educational seminars, meetings, and other learning experiences. This category aims to address specific behaviors that caused a moment of incongruence.
- Restorative: Can include restitution, letter of apology, mediation, talking circle, community service, and topical presentations. This category aims to address the person and/or community affected by the behavior.
- Reflective: Can include reflection papers, closure meetings, and potential meeting with an impacted party. This category aims to address one’s actions and the impact of those actions on others.
- Wellness: Can include alcohol/drug education, anger management, and off-campus counseling. This category aims to address wellness of students, especially those who might want emotional support on- or off-campus.
Adapted from this policy.
Student Conduct Process - Nonacademic Misconduct
UWS Chapter 17 and 18 Investigation Process at UW-River Falls

An email sent to a student's UWRF email account notifying them that they have been accused of violating UWS and/or UWRF policy.
A meeting between a student and a Student Conduct Officer to discuss a conduct incident.
An email sent to a student's UWRF email account notifying them of the outcome(s) of the incident in which the student has been involved.
This letter will explain if the student has been determined to be responsible or not responsible for the policy violations along with a rationale outlining the reasoning for the determination.
If the student was found to be responsible, then sanctions will be listed with descriptions and due dates.
An outcome to hold students accountable for behavior that violated policy. These vary based on circumstance and are selected based on severity and recurring behavioral concerns.
Sanctions listed in the decision letter will have descriptions and deadlines. Sanction examples that could be assigned include warnings, community service, reflection papers, restorative service sessions, restitution, etc.