Textbook Due Dates

  • Winter (J-term) 2025: Jan. 27, 2025
  • Spring 2025: May 16, 2025

All books are due by 4:00 pm on the due date.

  • You must have a valid picture ID (UWRF ID, driver’s license, passport) to check out books.
  • TBS fines on your Alma (Search@UW) account must be paid before checking out books.
  • All textbooks from previous semesters or dropped classes must be returned before more textbooks can be checked out.
  • You must check out your own textbooks.  
  • You are responsible for the materials you check out.
  • Distance learners can have books mailed to them.
  • Books must be returned by due dates. This includes books from dropped classes which are due four calendar days from the drop date. Late fines will be charged for late returned books.
  • Books must be properly checked in by TBS staff before being returned to the shelves.
  • You are responsible for returning your books to the shelves. Fines are charged for improperly shelved books.
  • Fines will be assessed for damages to textbooks. View the fines rubric.
  • Materials that are lost,\ or damaged beyond repair, must be paid for at full replacement value.
  • You have two weeks after check out to report any previous damage to your books.
  • If you find and return a lost book for which you paid, you may receive a partial refund.
  • If the book was stolen, provide a copy of the police report and fines will be waived.
  • Books which have been discontinued from our inventory are available for sale except during textbook issue and textbook return. Prices range from $0.75 to $5.00.
  • Students may purchase books from our current inventory at a discount of 10% off the Replacement Price in Alma (usually Publisher’s List Price.) Current inventory sales are restricted to October-December and March-May.
  • If you owe a fine to TBS, a hold will be placed on your eSIS account. You will not be able to register for classes (including adding a class), receive grades, check out textbooks or request a copy of your transcript.
  • Overdue notices are sent out when obligations are over 30 days old.
  • Overdue accounts may be referred to Student Billing for collections action in accordance with university policy.

Damage Samples

Below are samples of damages seen at Textbook Services. If any of your books have damage similar to those shown but are not marked, bring it within two weeks of checking it out for us to mark or repair the damage. After the two weeks you may be held responsible for any damages.

A book returned to textbooks services with excess water damage
Top Water Damage
Water damage at the top of a book.
A book returned to textbooks services with water damage
Edge Water Damage
Water damage on the edge of a book.
A book returned to textbooks services with binding damage
Binding Damage
Binding damage; fines may be avoided if brought in immediately to be fixed.
A book returned to textbooks services with previously marked damage
Previously Marked Damage
Check for the red stamp to see if the damage is already marked.
A book returned to textbooks services with a sticker telling students not to write or highlight in this book
No Writing or Highlighting
If this sticker is on the front of a book, fines will be charged for any writing or highlighting.
A book returned to textbooks services with a torn cover
Torn Covers
Fines will be assessed for torn covers.
A book returned to textbooks services with sticking pages
Sticking Pages
Pages sticking together from water damage; book must be purchased.
A book returned to textbooks services with excess water damage
Excess Water Damage
Excessive water damage; book must be purchased.
A book returned to textbooks services with mold
Books with mold must be purchased due to health risks.

Textbook Services

241 Chalmer Davee Library
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022



Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.