Our Voices

Interested in hearing firsthand accounts from the students and alumni of the UWRF counseling program? Explore this page to learn more about our stakeholders' experiences and perspectives. 


Audrey Williams headshot. White woman with short dark hair, including bangs, wearing a grey sweater and striped scarf and large earrings, smiling straight towards the camera.

"During my first year at UWRF, I have had the opportunity work with students in a guided practicum, get involved with the student association, become the recipient of a program scholarship and make connections in the field. My peers have been my main motivators because I am inspired by their thought-provoking discussions and dedication to this work. The leadership in the program is outstanding and I have had the pleasure of learning from the knowledgeable professors along with many guest speakers from the counseling world. I look forward to my upcoming internship and completion of the program but hope to stay involved with UWRF long after graduation." - Audrey Williams

White man wearing a blue button up dress shirt and black glasses is smiling straight toward the camera. He has brown hair and a beard.

"I was originally excited to apply and attend UWRF for its in-person, flexible, evening-style curriculum, and for its reputation in the greater Twin Cities education community. Every time I told someone I was interested in attending the school counseling program at UWRF the replies all focused on how well-respected the professors are and how competent the counselors are that graduate from that program. I've now completed one year of the program and I am happy that I chose UWRF. I've taken a class instructed by each school counseling professor and I was blown away by their knowledge of the field and their passion for developing competent, well-rounded school counselors. COVID-19 has thrown a wrench into in-person classes, but the professors have been in constant communication with students about expectations for virtual classes, and when we will be back on campus. They have adapted to meet the needs of the students, and they continually ask for student input on how to improve individual class instruction and the program as a whole. Since my first class last fall, I have felt like I am an important part of the UWRF school counseling program. I chose the program for its flexible, in-person curriculum and for its reputation in the community; and I have stayed for the passionate professors, the value they places on graduate student perspectives, and their commitment to developing compassionate, thoughtful, competent school counselors." - Alec Shern

Headshot of Will Erickson, a white man wearing a white button down dress shirt with faint square pattern, green necktie and black glasses looking straight at the camera and smiling. He has dark brown hair and a beard.

"There are many reasons why I chose UWRF! I needed a program that would be flexible with my lifestyle and allow me to tackle the courses at my own pace. Having in-person classes and time to engage both faculty and peers was an absolute must for me as well. I have found all of this at UWRF. I am excited to attend classes, learn new information, engage both faculty and peers every time I go to class. I have found that UWRF is not only preparing me to be a school counselor but a leader in the field of education. The faculty are a big reason why I keep coming back and loved my experience so far. They have passion and energy for this profession and it is evident every class meeting. I would highly recommend anyone considering school counseling to apply to the UWRF school counseling program!" - Will Erickson

A white woman wearing an orange, brown, tan and blue striped sweater smiles directly at the camera while resting her chin on her fist. She has long wavy dark hair and is sitting at a table with a coffee cup.

"I was drawn to UWRF's school counseling program because of the location and class schedule. By having classes at night, I can focus on working during the day and that has allowed me to successfully work full time while also completing my degree. The professors in the program are understanding of the fact that students work a variety of jobs and there are so many connections and opportunities that are presented to students. I feel supported and that my professors and classmates want to help me become the best school counselor I can be!" - Kim Layman

A person sits in a restaurant booth smiling directly at the camera. They are wearing black glasses, a black sweatshirt that says Black Lives Matter in white text and have short dark hair.

"A few years ago on a whim, I applied to work as an educational assistant for a local public school district and fell in love with the experience. Once I had decided that I was interested in continuing my youth work as a counselor, River Falls came highly recommended by peers. After three semesters, UWRF is consistently a place that offers interesting, relevant, and challenging classes with material that I am already able to use in my current employment setting." - Jasmine Zavala

A white woman with long blond hair smiles directly at the camera. She is standing in front of a white wall, wearing a long sleeve black top and large brown earrings.

"After shadowing a former UWRF graduate, I was informed about the exceptional reputation, knowledgeable faculty and flexible class schedules at UWRF. I also attended an open house where I noticed the strong community-minded atmosphere and felt immediately welcomed. I definitely knew that I wanted to advance my career in school counseling at UWRF after realizing all of the amazing aspects it had to offer. The program continues to provide a warm and accepting atmosphere. The professors are supportive and will do anything to help you thrive and achieve success. It has been an incredible growth experience both personally and professionally and I feel more and more confident in my skills every day. I can’t wait to apply these skills upon graduation!" - Emily Spofford

A white man stands on a porch outside and is smiling directly at the camera. He is wearing a green three quarter zip pullover with a white tshirt visible beneath it. He has light hair and no facial hair.

"The UWRF school counseling program prepared me to be ready to hit the ground running as a school counselor. As a recent graduate, I had to adapt quickly to changing situations this past year and I found myself leaning on my training from the program as well as the friends I made along the way. In this program, you will have professors that are knowledgeable and in the field with current research. Our program is well-respected in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and around the world. With graduates serving all over the place, you can rest easy knowing that your time and effort spent pursuing higher education will lead you to your end goal: a job! Despite knowing nothing about the program before applying besides doing online research, I am wholly convinced that I made the right decision by attending UWRF. The in-person format and small class sizes mean that you are more than a number." - Blake Mayes

A black woman looks directly at the camera. She is wearing a dark red head wrap and dark red and black top.

"When looking for a program to advance my education, I initially was looking at price and location. The UWRF school counseling program was both affordable and close to where I was living at the time. What really drew me in was the unwavering support that I got from both professors. My acceptance phone call into the program was from Dr. Gillen congratulating me to the program. Not only was the school counseling program personable, it was also achievable. The courses all built off one another and at each step I felt prepared for the work that was put in front of me. As a graduate of the UWRF school counseling Program, I return to give back some of the support that had been given to me. I am so proud to be a graduate of the UWRF school counseling program!" - Akudo Omeoga

A woman smiles directly at the camera, resting her forehead on her hand. She is wearing a tan headscarf and gold bracelet.

"In 2008, I got a job at an elementary school that had me fall in love with the idea of being around kids all day. I would jump out of bed to be at work at the thought of those little ones giving me hugs and sharing their stories with me. Having a Business and Marketing degree didn't prepare me for a career in education or mental health. But I kept on following where my strengths and passion were directing me. I valued education and I wanted to be at a school, but didn't want to be teacher. I cared so much about social and emotional health and completely enjoyed connections and deep conversations with youth, but didn't want to be a therapist. School counseling brought the two worlds together in such a cool way and I knew it was exactly what I wanted to do. I absolutely loved my graduate program at UWRF and although high school counseling was my goal, elementary internship was both challenging and emotionally rewarding." - Kaltun Abdikarani


Suelle Micallef Marmara
231 Wyman Education Building
410 S. 3rd St.
River Falls, WI 54022

